The Making of a True Shaman, Standing in both Worlds, and all Times

by Greg Rowe August 31, 2021

I must share this with readers of this blog while the memory is fresh. Let me set the scene for you. Calli and I were meeting with an older client, a woman in her early 70’s, vivacious, very intelligent, but who suffered a debilitating systemic loss of connective tissue in her twenties. Amongst other more recent issues which we had been Working on, as she simultaneously was consulting with a very accomplished complimentary physician, were endocrine disorders and a weight gain that had particularly manifested during the past few years.

While we were trying to improve the condition of the thyroid in the face of long-term Hashimoto’s Syndrome, we were going over what other factors might have led to the weight gain. Spontaneously, Calli Saw the patient as a 3 year old, sitting in her driveway. Since we are used to Working together, we often See each other’s views of what is going on. She said that a man approached Daniella, and that she subsequently went inside and that somehow this had affected a lifelong struggle for healthy weight. Calli was not sure at this point what the transaction was, who the man who approached her was, or how it became an important force in her life story.

I suggested that she ask Daniella’s long-departed mother to view and clarify the situation. I asked Saga, Goddess of Histories, and Urdr, principal Goddess of Fate and Goddess of the Past to help find the answer. Almost immediately, it was downloaded to Calli what happened.

The man had been her father. I Saw the image. The house was facing south. It was a modest frame dwelling, adequate, but not showy. The driveway was wide enough for two cars, but not very long. He brought her inside to eat with him. It may have been supper time. Perhaps that is why it was a vivid memory to her mother, for whose help Calli called by name.

Little Daniella ate and felt full with some food remaining on the plate. Her father scolded, lovingly and not harshly, “If you don’t finish your plate, you won’t get big.” Calli heard both parents from time to time encouraging Daniell, “Eat, so that you will grow big.” This program had been running in the background for over six decades, unchecked! While it may have been somewhat good advice as the growing child launched into young adulthood and puberty, as an adult, “big” would not be in stature, but only in abdominal girth.

We simply asked the itse, the intelligent, organizing element of the soul bodies, to turn off the program, now that it was exposed as a driving force for a continual battle for healthy weight. Daniella, herself quite a sensitive, felt this intuitively as spot on.

What is remarkable here is that, while I was focused on blood flow into the thyroid, getting the body to quit treating it as a foreign substance, and the physical side of things, Calli just spontaneously switched into the world of the past, spoke with the decased, and called upon the help of two of our beloved Goddesses to resolve this woman’s weight problem. This is a classic example of what a Tietajar shaman can do, quickly switch from the empirical, scientific understanding of a condition to an underlying spiritual cause and seek resolution at that level, invoking the Shining Ones for the assistance that we humans need in our healing Work.

I am always delighted to Work with young, enthusiastic apprentices or journeymen who grasp the fullness of what we do. I am in no way, ever, their competitor. I am in no way, ever, diminished, rather, only delighted to have the priviledge of watching such a soul on its 13th incarnation as a shaman, take her place at Freyja’s side.


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