When it comes to health care, the US spends more per citizen for less in the than most way of… This is something to consider over the Thanksgiving holiday in US (It was once Harvest Home in the old countries),… We’ve launched a new type of podcast series within our Shamanic Voices podcasts, available on Spotify, Audible, Apple Podcast and… In Case you Wondered how Lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar might be used to combat indigestion or to make your… I take it for heart health, simply to reduce LDL cholesterol. However, there are many other reasons to take Beta… Ever since the earlier scares of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (supposedly, planets lining up in same plane would cause… Every time we do a clinic we see the same people whom we meet here in our practices- sincere, disciplined… And it becomes how we project our intention as well. Over the past year, we have been blessed that a… nflammatory Process and Effective anti-Inflammatories > Thunder God Vine Extract (available in capsules) Chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases: Celastrol, a… Since the prostate gland in males is wrapped around the urethra, if it is swollen, which it often is after…
Character Assassination by Controlled Corporate Media to Keep a Reformer Out of Office
Anti-Inflammation/ Anti-Cancer Properties of Legumes according to Dr. William Li
Healing Power of Narrative
Drink Lemon Juice or ACV for Indigestion or to Fight “Acid Stomach”?
Supplement Highlight: Beta Glucan
Some Food Storage Projects to Consider
Waisting Away- Our Battle of the Bulges and Some Recent Products
It’s All Where We Look, Where We Focus our Attention and Gratitude Completes the Circuit
Inflammation-Common Cause of Pain and Susceptibility to Chronic Illness
Sex, Sleep Quality, Ease of Urination: Prostate Dysfunction may be the Issue